Sunday, December 11, 2016

Friend of My Father (for David McLansky)


Friend of My Father (for David McLansky)

A friend of my Father, is a friend of mine.
Stealth in the shadows, until time to shine,
They would put me in the spotlight, all to see,
Allowing me to join in their camaraderie;
Now past and gone, let this be their shrine.

A friend of my Mother, someone I hold dear;
When I see them now, it is as if she is here.
Envision patchwork quilt, each holds a square,
Catalogued, documented, recall time to share,
Some memories faded, while others shine clear.

A friend of my children will always be welcome.
Even with offspring scattered, not under thumb,
Speaking freely from my side shown, of agnation,
They are free to find solace about this station;
Let them always consider this as a second home.

A friend of my friend, such is David McLansky.
I am grateful, Lainey introduced him to me,
Providing me with a show of strength mentor;
Tried and true, with a wicked sense of humor.
I share this, gratitude from a humble devotee.

Michael Todd (2016)

To read the works of David McLansky, visit his poetry page...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mary. Lovely to see you, as always.

      And, of course... Nice FRISTING !!!

  2. This is a beauty in its simplest form. Friend of the family, friend of a friend - welcomed at the onset. I love this, and I love you <3

    1. Thank you so much, Dahlia. I am all about friendship.

      And, for the record, I love you, too.

  3. Friends beyond the end
    you always inspire
    friendship such as yours
    shall never retire

    And you shall shine forever in the Heavens with friends

    1. Thanks, Dave. Friends like us, as like family, and this is time tested and true.

  4. I love this, Michael. The welcoming and gratitude of the people connected to your near and dear. The circle grows and grows. Thank you for sharing and for directing me to read your friend, David McLansky.

  5. What a great tribute to a friend!
    Immortal in words, life never ends.
    Father and mother, their friends reminisce,
    And you know they'll be with you always, like this!

  6. :) This warmed my heart...beautiful tribute, you penned.


  7. oh my. A wonderful tribute love this.

  8. Love the quilt metaphor. Love this tribute. And here’s to you, friend. Cheers!

    May you survive the coming year,
    May you be free of doubts and fear
    May few grey hairs snag in your comb
    May no earthquake collapse your home;

    May no hurricane or wintry blast
    Nor flood waters rising fast
    Inundate your dry sealed house
    May you not lodge a pregnant mouse;

    May no tumor nor foul disease,
    infect your nose and may make you sneeze
    May you rise just like a phoenix
    With a giant box of Kleenex...

    Read more here:

    Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

    1. Debra... Your choice of David's poems is appreciated.

      This one is wonderful.

  9. Cause for appreciation of the beloveds gone before us. Fills my heart with love, as I do you

  10. A friend of a friend is a friend of mine, open hearts, open doors and an enriched mind! Wonderful as always! A very endearing treat to read tonight! Thank you for sharing! Many hugs your way!

    1. So nice to see you in the house tonight, Briana. Looking forward to spending some serious quality time with you in the coming year. :)

  11. True words of deep friendship.... Lovely! -Dave Raider

    1. Thank you, Dave. Best wishes for the coming season, Sir.

  12. Beautifully wrought and woven with loving sentiments Michael! A love embedded never wanes and embraces immortality within the heart and soul.

    1. Thank you for your kind and generous overview, Andrew.

    2. Oh Myke, Thank you for thinking of me with your post. I so miss our MySpace Days with Lainey and David. I keep his book with me whenever I travel. Very few people in my life have I felt so connected to. Your poem is wonderful, your poetry always was. I love you all and again, thank you! Merry Christmas to you and yours and to David and Lainey as well. You all will continue to be in my prayers. PeacenLove~Always~Laurel

    3. I am so happy this hit home with you, Laurel. I could not ask for more than you generously shared here.

      Much Love, Myke

  13. Your words are so magical... It's that time of year when we think of all those we hold so close to our heart, with love and gratitude! You have penned such a loving tribute here.... God bless you and Merry Christmas to you and yours, my dear friend!!! MUCH LOVE! xoxo <3 <3

    1. Thanks so much Colleen... This is truly a sentimental time for many, including me. I hope your Christmas season is fantastic.

  14. ~a wonderful tribute to friendship... our lives and their relationships.. our most important possessions.. a fine work my friend

    1. Thank you, Katherine. You are so good a paying it forward.
      Happy you enjoyed this little poem. :)

  15. A lovely homage to those dearest in life. :-)

  16. Really enjoyrd reading this beautiful tribute Michael

    1. I am so happy you did, and thank you for visiting.

  17. Myke this is an honor for your friend and a delightful read. It reminds us that there are many who come into our lives we can be thankful for

    1. Those are the best reminders, Clarice. I am thankful for you.

  18. ...and some are the glue that holds them all together. You're a good man, Sir *tips hat*


  19. No man is an island. Well done as always.

  20. I LOVE this one, all it represents that in a way is the spirit of this season in my world; memories, to hold and keep those now gone alive not only in our hearts but through others they lived experiences and friendship with and to make space for the new generations, the ones that hopelly will keep us alive in their hearts once we leave. This is a beauty, Myke.

    1. I could retire, Alba Leigh, after reading what you shared here, and feel I had left nothing on the table. You have a way of making me feel nothing but happiness. I love you for that.

  21. What a wonderful tribute, Michael. Your poem is so heartfelt. Accept my sympathy for your loss. Those passing on to a better place leave holes in our hearts--but we heal and are able to remember the good things. My Grandpa and I shared a special relationship--kindred spirits. I admired his gentle ways and his taking time to teach me many things. The biggest thing he taught was how to love. He is part of my soul--and what a blessing that is. You are a talented writer and a good friend. Thank you for sharing you words.

    Keep them coming in 2017! You are such a positive voice in the writing community. Best wishes always!


    1. While this is a tribute, Karen, it is not entirely for a loss. You were right there with me, when my Mom passed, which meant a lot to me.

      David, the main subject here, is still with us.

      See you soon. Until then, have a great December.

  22. How beautiful a circle of love that keeps paying forward --some leave--others step in and it just keeps going round. Loved this so much Michael and wish you happy holidays ❤️

    1. Thank you, Demme. Let us Steve to keep our circle complete.

      Best wishes for your holiday season, as well.

  23. That is a real beauty, Mike--a poem to be proud of. The mood touched me.


  25. Good friends and wonderful memories; things that warm the heart! ♥ Such a fabulous tribute, Myke. Wishing you and your family (and friends) a happy holiday season.

    1. Thank you, Debbie, and wishing a splendid holiday season to all in True North.

  26. Excellent write Myke! Thank you for continuing to share your writings. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Lyne. May we both continue our rhyming ways in the coming year.

  27. wonderful poem, Myke, brings memories to me too. May you and yours have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! ( and keep those great writes coming our way)

    1. Properly placed memories can fill even the deepest of voids, Linda. :)

  28. Such a sweet tribute! I love visiting with friends of my parents. I enjoy the stories they share. Love this regarding friends of friends and friends of our children. Love love

    1. The more links, the greater the chain, Laura. Thank you.

  29. This is a lovely tribute to the friend of a friend who is also your friend, and to friendship in general, Sir Myke. A few weeks ago, I played several rounds of bridge on the card playing event that my uncle organized for his 80th birthday. I played together with my dad's best friend, which added an extra glow to a memorable day. I think we probably always valued events like that but somehow they catch an extra dimension later on in life? *ponders*

    1. Yours are deep thoughts, Sir Ruggi, and I understand what you mean about liaisons becoming more tangible as we mature.

      Talking friend of a friend with a friend like you is priceless.

  30. Nothing like a friendship that will always be there. It's a true friendship that will never be broken!

    1. Yes, Denise... for a lifetime and beyond. That is a goal worth revering.

  31. Very beautiful Mike. A wonderful heartfelt write on the sacredness of those we love and will forever remain in our hearts! love love. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much, Mary Ellen. Your insight is keen. :)

  32. Michael, you are a man of tremendous emotional generosity. As a daughter, sister, mother and friend, I understand how you feel. Beautifully rhymed and scribed, this is an important and stirring poem I shall never forget. Eliza Anne Jones

    1. Thank you, Eliza Anne. I am happy this resonated with you, and hit home in good ways.

  33. wow.....encapsulated so much love, and reality and just why we love you dear one!

    1. Thank you, Brenda. Your kind remarks overwhelm me. :)

  34. Open hearts gather much love.
    I love this piece. <3

    1. Thank you, Deanna. I know, you speak from experience on such matters of the heart.

  35. I have often dedicated poems in tribute; such a beautiful feeling to have something of permanence displayed. I imagine the person so honored looking down at the screen over my shoulder and smiling, a little tearful.

    Such writings may be difficult to pen emotionally though when the time is right a comfort washes over and you feel at peace in the knowing this message is between you and him/her.

    1. The fellow I wrote this for, Don, is revered by countless people, and rightfully so. He is the best there is. And, he is a wonderful person, as well.

      I appreciate what you brought to this. You are a very insightful man. Thank you for that.

  36. Friends in the hereafter. Michael, you have grown much in the time that I've known you. I know that probably means little coming from a dabbler like me. But your steadfast friendship is priceless to me and you remain the glue that brings us all back home. This is a beautiful tribute from a one of a kind fellow.

    1. Your words mean the world to me, Matt. I am just happy to be a part of our circle. It is a good family.

  37. Myke, I like how you refer to your mother's friends a squares in a patchwork quilt. What a warm way to piece together memories of your mother through those of her friends. Thanks for the tender poem. May you have a very Merry Christmas and may God's blessings be with you and yours in the coming new year, my friend!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. There is a story behind the quilt reference, and it all came about during a Christmas season.
      I appreciate you taking the time to visit us. That was very kind of you. Wishing you a world of happiness this Christmas season. :)

  38. Friends beyond the end
    you always inspire
    friendship such as yours
    shall never retire.

    1. Your message is wonderful, Dhaval, and very much appreciated. Thank you.

  39. Friends are special gems. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!

    1. I could not make it without them, my world would be an empty place. You are such a friend, Ellie...

      Wishing you a joyous and prosperous New Year, as well. Thank you for stopping by today.

  40. Within this poem is the ability to keep both your mom and dad alive within your heart. A special gift, not everyone has.
    You always make the heart strings tug, but especially with this one. May peace and joy fill your heart this coming year, and all the years after.

    1. Lineage is important to me, Stephy. If there is balance between lineage and legacy, hopefully good things are happening, and worth securing.

  41. Great work! and thanks for your great work & great efforts.
    Nice Post.


  42. this teared me up.......p o w e r f u l

    1. I am glad this resonated with you, Brenda, in a good way.
      Thanks, as always, for stopping by to visit.

  43. I love this!!! Thanks for sharing the disclaimer too!
