The Girl In The Window (for Lainey)
Gazing out, from this landing, serene and secure;
Hallowed ground is as a hologram, of days ahead.
A vessel compliant, strong of will, a heart pure,
Curious as to what awaits, along this grand tour;
Throwing caution to the wind, no sense of dread.
Take at face value, all that is seen, heard, said;
Growing up is never easy, you will have to endure;
Too young to see patterns, for needle and thread.
Life is for the living, let the dead bury the dead.
Only you can distinguish shade and shadow allure.
Over time, you will be spoken of by many a name;
Who addresses you, will define which is preferred.
Some will reflect a calling, others call to claim;
Regardless of how, who you are, will be the same,
By all so fortunate to have seen, read of, or heard.
Life is a series of challenges; press on undeterred;
Goals are worthy for those who play fair, the game.
Free falling may have consequences, but no blame;
Coming down from a mountain lends to vison blurred,
But a true visionary will take to canvas and frame.
You will take to the grandest stage one can afford;
Assume your role, as written, add flair of your spin;
Coats of colors, as real as rainbows to the children.
You to them, and they to you, will be mutually adored,
As you sing and dance them to a place of where and when.
Your current path to learning, the best place to begin;
When practical logic, acquired knowledge strike a chord,
You will find, over time, cognition is its own reward.
In turn, you will teach what you have heard and seen,
Freely sharing the wealth of wisdom you will have stored.
The terrain is vast, teeming or dormant, to be explored,
with roll calls, waiting for you to burst onto their scene.
In time, you will settle in Pallisers Triangle green;
From there, who knows what time will tell and record?
All I can say is, great things await, between now and then.
Written to Lainey, at Ten.
Michael Todd (2014)
For those following the timeline, this poem is a prequel to
"The Greatest Story" from 2013, which can be found here...